
1. Offering early developmental stimulation to all newborn babies with birth weight less than 1800gm till                one year of age

2. Motivating the parent to stimulate the baby with appropriate stimuli

3. Lactation counselling to all mothers with LBW babies




Clinic set up

    • The clinic functions in CDC on all week days from 9.00 am to 3.00pm except on holidays.
    • All the newborn babies with birth weight less than 1800 referred from OBN and IBN clinics of SAT Hospital are being followed up.




Services offered

1. Periodic growth monitoring of children- weight, length, head circumference

2. Developmental screening using Trivandrum Developmental Screening Chart (TDSC) and Denver Developmental Screening          Test (DDST) and  CDC Grading for motor mile stones

3. Neurological assessment by Amiel-Tison method of assessment

4. Developmental assessment using Developmental Assessments Scales for Indian Infants (DASII) done at 1 and 2 years of  age

5. Auditory, tactile, visual and motor stimulation

6. Lactation counselling for mothers